BPP 519 – The Wheel of Fire


There aren’t really any lighthearted episodes to look forward to at this point, but we do get a break from the heaviness of the last two episodes. Wheel of Fire begins with Lockley greeting G’Kar as he returns to the station. In what is almost a comical moment, we learn that G’Kar has become an icon, with his followers posting images of him on the wall and carrying statues of him around. Even more offensive to G’Kar’s sensibilities and humility, they’re even kneeling in his presence!

Sheridan finally confronts Michel about his alcoholism, and fires him. Even so, Delenn’s ever present wisdom and guidance enables him to handle it with compassion. With one issue addressed, there’s an emergency call from Earth. The issue: attacks on Psi Corps by well funded and equipped amateurs motivated by remembering Byron. The issue? Sheridan is told the trail of support runs “through your office” (B5). All indicators point at Lyta and the need to arrest her becomes apparent. A short time later, she’s arrested and put in isolation.

In another compassionate moment, Lockley visits Michael and in a surprising turn, she encourages him to get out of his self-pity and do something about his problem. The surprise: she understands and has been right were Michael is. Later, Lise shows up to help Michael, apparently called in by Lockley in a way that allows him to be the good guy.

In a briefly comical moment, we see a frustrated Delenn cussing, but the awkward humor in it quickly disappears when she suddenly passes out. We’re relieved to discover a few scenes later that it’s good news: she’s pregnant!

As he talked to Lise truthfully about his situation, Michael is about as low as he can be. Then in a wonderful turn of events, she proposes to him and gives him a reason to clean himself up. And in the midst of this, he has a great idea that involves Lyta and a way they may be able to deal with their common enemy: Bester. The deal is presented to Lockley, and G’Kar finds himself involved as the plan will also relieve him of the issue of his growing status as someone approaching godhood in the eyes of his followers. As we draw close to the end of the episode, we learn what we suspected about Lyta: she is a living weapon.

As the episode ends, John and Delenn are together sharing a quiet moment. John is annoying Delenn in a good way, and she expresses concern for Londo. With that we shift back to the somber scene of Londo that ended the last episode: sitting alone on the throne.

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Just remember… No boom today.  Boom tomorrow.  There’s always a boom tomorrow!

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