BPP Crusade 108 – Appearances and Other Deceits

appearancesThe last episode of the series filmed finds its way at this point in the season, with a B plot of the crew being fitted with “new” uniforms, which were actually the “old” uniforms to match the first episodes filmed. Your hosts talk about “what’s old is new again” as well as as follow the main storyline which has our crew discovering a ghost ship adrift. Bringing a survivor onto the ship, a medical technician touches the patient who dies after “infecting” her with something he was carrying.

Max works on deciphering symbols assumed to be the written language of the race onboard the ghost ship. When he he realizes what he might be looking at, infected crew members nearby hear him and they’re not happy with his discovery.  Max tells Gideon an alien presence gained access to the other ship and the alien crew vented their atmosphere trying to kill the invasive species. However they moved into a single host  to survive. Now they are infecting Gideon’s crew one by one.

In an interesting turn of events, the hostile alien presence again attempts to consolidate into a single host thanks to a plan by the crew, and during the moments of desperation, it comes across an unconscious human crew member who is also in a space suit. It quickly removes his glove, touches him, and transfers into his unconscious body.  Now trapped, internally it tries to tell Gideon it knows what he is looking for (the cure) but is unable to speak.

Our crew starts to get back to normal life—but with the addition of new uniforms, courtesy of the flamboyant designer.

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Just remember… No boom today.  Boom tomorrow.  There’s always a boom tomorrow!

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